Batch jobs stuck on WAITING status in AX 2012
Step1. Generate incremental CIL
Step2. Check if any batch job is stuck on “executing
status”, change its status to withhold or cancel. Because it can be possible that all the new
batch jobs are stuck on “Waiting” because any previous job is stuck on
executing. Also, do the same for other “waiting” jobs
Step3. Now check the
assigned batch group in your job and then check if that batch group has correct
AOS server assigned and then check that if the check box named: 'Is batch
server' checked for that particular AOS server.
Also, the time should be 12.00.00 to11.59.59
System administration àSetup àServer Configuration:
either the AOS server assigned to the batch group is not marked as the batch server or else
the batch group is not assigned to the batch job.
the batch group is not assigned to the batch job.
System administration àSetup àBatch group
Now run any batch job. It will not be stuck in waiting
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