
Showing posts from January, 2024

Electronic Reporting For Beginners

  Basics of Electronic Reporting & Business Documents in D365 F&O Introduction: Electronic reporting is a no-code reporting tool that is completely integrated into D365.  It allows the creation of report structures directly within the platform without the need for extra software like Visual Studio.  Customization of business documents using Excel is also feasible, this is a great alternative for non-developers.  C onfigurations from the Life Cycle Services (LCS) asset library can be easily downloaded  and loaded into D365FO for use in reports and print management. Visual editors are used to create all components of the ER configuration. The language that is used for data transformation resembles the language that is used in Microsoft Excel. Data flow: Component ER supports the following types of components: Data model Model mapping Format Metadata Designing: Go to the path:  Organization administration > Workspace >Electronic Rep...

Validation errors and warnings in electronic reporting in D365

Validation errors and warnings in ER: Sequencing related warnings: Manually move up or down according to the sequence of Excel ranges. Or press ‘fix’ -it will automatically set. Excel range does not exist: Match the range from the Excel template. Create a new range and then reset the name in the Excel range. No binding to the data source: Path 'xxx' has no binding to any data source in using the model's mapping. Go to model mapping and check that field, if it is not associated with any data source field then bind Data model fields with actual data source[tables] fields by selecting fields in both left and right block and clicking on the  ‘bind’ button. Label still shown in case of null records: The labels of fields are showing even in the case of null data. Type the label in the if condition so that it will not appear in case of null data. Condition: If (model.value = “ ”, “ “, @label) [if the model value is equal to null then set null value instead of label and if th...

Customization in Electronic report formats through Excel templates in D365

To enable new ER  functionality  modifications are made to the Excel document attached as a template for a business document, then reapply the updated template to the ER format. Create a new drived report and then click on the ‘ Attachment ’ button of our custom report. Now click on ‘Open’ to download the original Excel template. Open the downloaded Excel template. Select the range you want to update and go to Formula > Name Manager. Now, create new ranges, edit existing ones or change the Excel cells, set values, or delete. Upload the updated Excel template as a new attachment And set the new updated Excel as the template of the report.

Running an ER report in draft and complete status

There are different statuses of Electronic report. Draft :   In this status, users can modify configurations. Unless manually specified by parameters, draft versions are not considered for generating reports. Microsoft's default configuration hides draft versions Completed :  In this mode, the configuration can’t be edited anymore and is ready to be used. The most recently completed version of a configuration is used by dynamics. Shared :  This mode can only be activated on completed reports. The configuration has been uploaded into the LCS repository configured in the configuration provider. Discontinued :  Only a shared configuration can be discontinued. This allows the configuration to be deleted and D365FO will no longer use this configuration when running reports. Running Report In Draft Status: For testing purposes, instead of marking the status ‘Complete’ every time we need to check the new feature. Simply set file generation in a draft state. So, testin...

Setting Labels in Electronic Reporting

Setting Labels in Electronic Reporting Select the label field and click on mapping and click on ‘Edit formula’ button. Click on the  ‘Translate’  button a new side form appears. If your desired label already exists in the lookup then select the label and click on ‘Translate’ . If the label does not already exist and there is a need for a new label then set the label ID, label text, language, and Translated text and then click on ‘Translate’. It will set the new label. We can test the new label by clicking the test button and giving any random value to the field.