Validation errors and warnings in electronic reporting in D365

Validation errors and warnings in ER:

Sequencing related warnings:

Manually move up or down according to the sequence of Excel ranges. Or press ‘fix’ -it will automatically set.

Excel range does not exist:

Match the range from the Excel template. Create a new range and then reset the name in the Excel range.

No binding to the data source:

Path 'xxx' has no binding to any data source in using the model's mapping.

Go to model mapping and check that field, if it is not associated with any data source field then bind Data model fields with actual data source[tables] fields by selecting fields in both left and right block and clicking on the ‘bind’ button.

Label still shown in case of null records:

The labels of fields are showing even in the case of null data.

Type the label in the if condition so that it will not appear in case of null data.

Condition: If (model.value = “ ”, “ “, @label)

[if the model value is equal to null then set null value instead of label and if the condition is false then print the label]

Extra spaces or lines:

In the case of null records, it brings  Empty lines for null data. To remove these extra lines, we have set conditions in the enabled button.

There is an "Enabled" button and function on every node in the lower right corner of the screen. The nodes with "Enabled"-conditions are marked with "?" in the mapping view. This is called trivial.  Apply a condition of your own.


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