How to Skip COC original code

How to Skip COC original code or Run it in condition

·      Original method:

This is the original method which set inventDim based on inventJournalTrans

  public void fieldModifiedInventDimFieldsPost(

        InventDim   _inventDim,

        FieldId     _dimFieldId)


        if (inventDimReceipt_ds)







·      Extension Method:

On the extension of this method, I want to change the inventDim buffer according to my need


public void fieldModifiedInventDimFieldsPost(

        InventDim   _inventDim,

        FieldId   _dimFieldId)



        next fieldModifiedInventDimFieldsPost(_inventDim,_dimFieldId);


        if (inventJournalTrans.JournalType == InventJournalType::OwnershipChange)


            InventDim inventDim = inventDimReceipt_ds.cursor();

            inventDim.InventSiteId = '';

            inventDim.InventLocationId = '';

            inventDim.wmsLocationId = '';



·      Skip original code:

But in my case, I no longer need the original code, so I need to skip the next call so that the original code won't run. For doing so I write my next call in a while query and the condition of the query will always be false so that it will never going to run the code inside the while query.

public void fieldModifiedInventDimFieldsPost(

        InventDim   _inventDim,

        FieldId   _dimFieldId)



      custTable custtable;

      while select recid from Custtable where custtable.recid == -1


                  next fieldModifiedInventDimFieldsPost(_inventDim,_dimFieldId);




                   if (inventJournalTrans.JournalType == InventJournalType::OwnershipChange)


                    InventDim inventDim = inventDimReceipt_ds.cursor();

                    inventDim.InventSiteId = '';

                   inventDim.InventLocationId = '';

                   inventDim.wmsLocationId = '';




·      Run next in condition:

I need the original code to run in those cases where my condition is not fulfilled. First, stop the original code from running then put my condition and write specific code inside, and in else case copy the original code so that it runs otherwise.

public void fieldModifiedInventDimFieldsPost(

        InventDim   _inventDim,

        FieldId   _dimFieldId)


         custTable custtable;

     // skip the next call

          while select recid from Custtable where custtable.recid == -1


                  next fieldModifiedInventDimFieldsPost(_inventDim,_dimFieldId);


     //if the condition meets run our case

if (inventJournalTrans.JournalType == InventJournalType::OwnershipChange)


//our code

            InventDim inventDim = inventDimReceipt_ds.cursor();

            inventDim.InventSiteId = '';

            inventDim.InventLocationId = '';

            inventDim.wmsLocationId = '' ;        



     //otherwise run the original code


     {     if (inventDimReceipt_ds)








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